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The first class of the Democracy Academy has graduated

The Democracy Academy of the President Kaljulaid Foundation concluded this year, graduating 25 young people.

Over six months, the young participants met with President of the Republic Alar Karis, members of the Riigikogu, parliamentary parties, journalists from Estonian National Broadcasting, Õhtuleht and Delfi, representatives from Milton New Nordics and SpeakSmart, NGO Democracy Training, mayors Urmas Klaas and Jevgeni Ossinovski, and many others.

Thank you to Sorainen Estonia and the European Commission’s representation in Estonia! And, of course, to the foundation’s own Gea Kangilaski, who led the project.

It seemed that the 25 graduates were genuinely inspired – and many also made new friends with whom they could discuss and debate. We will certainly hear more from these graduates of the Democracy Academy in the future, possibly not very far in the future.

Thank you to everyone who helped organize and fund the program, inspire the young participants, and attended!

The Democracy Academy of the President Kaljulaid Foundation is an inspiring journey that spans the second half of the school year, aimed at young people who wish to actively engage in societal affairs now and in the future. It offers both management and leadership training, an insight into the workings of our country and society, as well as collaborative activities and co-creation on topics that resonate most with young people.