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PKF kickstarts the “Debating Schools” program

The Estonian Debating Society and the President Kaljulaid Foundation are launching the “Arutlev kool” (“Debating Schools”) program today for Estonian schools with the support of the Heateo Sihtasutus (Good Deed Foundation) Education Fund. 

It’s an initiative that brings the ability to debate and reason to every student. The aim of the initiative is to support the development of the student’s critical thinking and to create a school environment that values meaningful discussion, where every student feels that their opinion is important and can express their views clearly.

Why this initiative?

Over recent years, there has been a noticeable decline in the argumentation skills among Estonian students, as evidenced by both the latest PISA test results and the comments from evaluators of the Estonian language national exam. The program aims to empower young people to recognize the importance of their voice and equip them with the skills necessary to persuasively communicate their thoughts.

What is the program comprised of?

The Debating Schools program encompasses four main strands of activity. At its core is the implementation of the argumentation method in subject lessons to develop broader competencies alongside subject knowledge. Additionally, the program includes basic training in argumentation, debate-related extracurricular activities, and the application of discursive education practices in school life.

How to participate?

We call on all those interested to commit to implementing the program’s activities and to be prepared to support the development of argumentation and critical thinking skills. If you wish for your school to join the Debating Schools program, please contact us!

When does the program start?

The initial activities of the program are set to commence in the spring of 2024, with full implementation in schools beginning in the following academic year. Join the Debating Schools program and help ensure every student has the ability to argue effectively!

More info in Estonian: