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President Kaljulaid Foundation Honored with the HR Friend of the Year Award

At the annual HR event EHRS Summit, the HR Awards were announced for the third time – the President Kaljulaid Foundation and the initiative Employers Against Domestic Abuse were selected as the winners in the HR Friend of the Year category.

“We are truly grateful as a team that our efforts have been recognised and we are considered important partners among HR enthusiasts. Our goal is to create domestic abuse-aware workplaces together with employers, and the support and continuous encouragement from HR teams are invaluable. This award belongs to everyone who has believed in us and supported us in one way or another on this journey,” says Triin Adamson, Head of the Initiative.

On February 18, at the EHRS Summit organised by the Estonian HR Society, the winners of the HR Awards were announced in five categories: HR Team, HR Initiative, HR Volunteer, HR Solution, and HR Friend. A total of 155 nominations were submitted in January for these five categories. The leadership group of the Estonian HR Society selected five finalists in each category. The winners were determined by the HR community, who had the opportunity to vote until February 11 – a total of 891 people participated in the voting!

The winners in other categories were:

HR Initiative: Väike Päike – Health Journey
HR Team: Rademar HR Team
HR Volunteer: Gerly Roosmets
HR Solution: Persona

“The HR Awards are a great opportunity to highlight the contribution of the HR field to organizations and society at large. This recognition not only values the contributors but also inspires others and supports the well-being of Estonian organizations. The consistently high number of nominations and an exceptionally large number of voters confirm that the HR field is visible, influential, and increasingly valued. It is a joy to see how the HR community supports and encourages each other,” says Helo Tamme, founding member and president of the Estonian HR Society.